Sunday, January 28, 2007


this is a testimonial i'll probably always like...

hmmm....i guess i can write an essay on since i write essays on almost everything, a shorter note will be more
.okay, the 2 lol's so far and the millions that aid my rather limited verbal competence owe their induction in my vocab to her..just like mood swings and madness's one of the best people i know(not that i know many!!)more importantly i like her just as i like, that obliviates the need for a page full of,
i have relied on you for so many things.. i never gave it a second thought before waking you up in the middle of the night ..always loaded you with my problems without ever enquiring if you were ok..just like the everlasting sunshine,i believed in your power to be the same and be there for me all the timesand yet, with a stubborn consistency you have played god..
just be who you are.

as they say,"the more the things change,the more they remain the same"

keep smiling ...

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